Visitor/User Obligations
Every visitor or user of the website "" must read and study the terms of use carefully before visiting or using the pages. If there is any disagreement, they must refrain from using them. Otherwise, it is presumed that they explicitly and unreservedly accept these terms of use and give their consent. The following terms of use apply to the entire content of our website.
Intellectual and Industrial Property Rights
The entire content of the website "", including but not limited to texts, news, graphics, photos, diagrams, illustrations, services provided, and generally all kinds of files, is subject to intellectual property and governed by national, European, and international Intellectual Property provisions, with the exception of explicitly recognized rights of third parties. Therefore, reproduction, republication, copying, storage, sale, transmission, distribution, publication, execution, "loading (download)", translation, modification in any way, partial or in summary, without the explicit prior written consent of the Holder is expressly prohibited.
Trademarks and brand names included on this website are protected by the aforementioned Intellectual Property provisions.
Exceptionally, the individual storage and copying of parts of the content in a simple personal computer for strictly personal use without any intention of commercial or other exploitation and always under the condition of indicating the source of origin is allowed, without this meaning in any way the granting of intellectual property rights. Any other content included in the electronic pages of "" that constitutes trademarks and intellectual property products of third parties falls under their responsibility and has nothing to do with "".
Visitor/User Obligations
The visitor/user of "" is obliged to comply with the applicable provisions of Greek, European, and international law and related legislation governing telecommunications. Furthermore, they must abstain from any illegal and abusive use of the content and services of this website. Any damage caused to the "" website by the visitor/user due to improper and unfair use of the relevant services falls exclusively within their responsibility. In the event of any claim, administrative or judicial, arising from any form of violation by the user against this website, the latter undertakes the obligation to intervene in the relevant judicial process and indemnify the website in case it is obliged to pay compensation or other expenses.
Network Liability Limitation
The "" website, without guaranteeing and therefore being responsible, makes the maximum effort so that the information and the entire content are governed by maximum accuracy, clarity, temporal proximity, completeness, correctness, and availability. In no case, including negligence, is there any responsibility for any damage that may be caused to the public due to this use of the website.
The "" website refers to other websites in the form of links but bears no responsibility for their content and services as well as for the terms of management and protection of personal data they use, nor does it guarantee their availability. The visitor/user of the linked websites is solely responsible for any problems that may arise due to their content and/or services.
The "" website provides the possibility for the visitor/user of its services to vote on current issues formulated in the form of questions. The "" website sets the specific terms for participation in the voting, also retaining the right to discontinue it.
The responses to the above are recorded, analyzed, and commented on by "" to draw conclusions regarding the positions of public opinion on a specific issue put to a vote. The "" website has the exclusive right to collect and exploit the above data. The findings of these results are its intellectual property.
Collection and Use of Information
The Municipality of Athens is the sole owner of the information collected on this website. This information will not be sold, shared, or rented to third parties beyond what is mentioned in this statement. The "" website collects information from its visitors/users at various points on the website.
Personal Data
The personal data collected by "" is used exclusively for handling correspondence - electronic or otherwise - and is not sold, rented, or in any way transferred or disclosed to third parties. An exception is made when the disclosure of information is imposed by an explicit provision of law and exclusively to the competent authorities.
The collection, processing, and management of personal data by "" are subject to the terms of this privacy statement and the relevant provisions of Greek law and European law on the protection of individuals and the protection of personal data (Law 2472/1997, decisions of the President of the Data Protection Authority, Presidential Decrees 207/1998 and 79/2000, Article 8 of Law 2819/2000, Law 2774/1999, and EU Directives 95/46/EC and 97/66/EC). The visitor/user of "" retains all the rights arising from the aforementioned Greek and European provisions, as well as the rights of access, correction, supplementation, and deletion of their personal data.
Minors have access to our website only with the consent of their parents/guardians and are not required to disclose their personal information.
Also, "" is not responsible for cases of collecting personal data from linked websites. This privacy statement applies only to personal data collected, processed, and managed by "".
Log Files
"" uses IP addresses (Internet Protocol) for extracting statistical conclusions concerning the website's traffic and management. IP addresses are not linked to personal data of the visitor/user of "".
"" takes every necessary measure to secure the data of its visitors/users. Personal information submitted by the visitor/user through "" is protected both online and offline.
Notification of Changes
"" reserves the right to change the above terms within the existing or possible legal framework. No modification of the terms of this specific contract will be considered and will not constitute part of it if it has not been formulated in writing and incorporated into it.
In the event that the above terms undergo any change, "" will notify its visitors/users through announcements on the website.
Applicable Law and Other Terms
This usage contract is governed by the provisions of Greek and International Law, as well as the directives and Regulations of European Law.
It is interpreted based on the rules of good faith, commercial ethics, and the economic and social purpose of the right.
If any provision is deemed contrary to the law and therefore invalid or voidable, it ceases to be in force automatically, without in any case affecting the validity of the other terms.
Competent courts for any disputes arising from this contract are the Courts of Athens.
If you have noticed any problems with the content of the website that touch upon legal or ethical issues, please notify us at