The Working Group responsible for the design and implementation of the action plan in the context of the participation of the Municipality of Athens in OGP Local, was established with the Mayor's Decision No. 294255/18-11-2024 (ADA: 9ΦΑΡΟΟ6Μ-ΞΕΤ), amended by the Mayor's Decision No. 28072/30-01-2025 (ADA: 6Ν49Ω6Μ-Ρ90) and consists of the following members:

Deputy Mayor for Education, Digital Governance, Property and Construction

Appointed Advisor for Municipal Decentralization and Community Empowerment

President of "Athina 984", Appointed Volunteering and Civil Society Advisor

Head of Technology, IT and Communications Department, Division of Strategic Planning, Resilience, Innovation and Documentation

Head of Innovation and Extroversion Department, Division of Strategic Planning, Resilience, Innovation and Documentation

Employee of Resilience & Sustainability Department, Division of Strategic Planning, Resilience, Innovation and Documentation

Employee of Resilience & Sustainability Department, Division of Strategic Planning, Resilience, Innovation and Documentation

Employee of Geospatial Data Management Department, Division of Strategic Planning, Resilience, Innovation and Documentation

Employee of Resilience & Sustainability Department, Division of Strategic Planning, Resilience, Innovation and Documentation

General Director of Open Technologies Alliance (GFOSS)

Director of Vouliwatch and Local Watch Athens

Manager in AI and Data team, Ernst & Young

Executive Director, Transparency International Greece

Head of EU Projects Sector at DAEM SA

President of the Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGEO)

Associate of the Civil Society Office

Employee of Technology, IT and Communications Department,
Division of Strategic Planning, Resilience, Innovation and Documentation
OGP Local Person of Contact, City of Athens
Working Group's Responsibilities
According to the Mayor's Decision No. 294255/18-11-2024, the Working Group for OGP Local has the following responsibilities:
- To establish a multi-stakeholder forum, supported by interested parties from Civil Society, which will participate in the development of the action plan and the evaluation of its progress and results.
- To hold meetings with civil society and other stakeholders during the co-creation process of the action plan and throughout its implementation phase.
- To create and continuously maintain an up-to-date website dedicated to the municipality's participation in OGP Local, where information about all aspects of the municipality's processes within the framework of its OGP Local participation will be published.
- To document, collect, and publish information regarding the process, documents, and outcomes of the OGP Local action plan.
- To share information about OGP Local with stakeholders in advance to facilitate informed and prepared participation in all stages of the process.
- To ensure that all interested Civil Society members can contribute to the action plan and observe or access documentation of relevant decisions.
- To conduct, in collaboration with all involved entities and departments - particularly the Independent Department of International Cooperation & Public Relations and the Citizen Communication and Information Office - awareness and information activities for Civil Society and stakeholders to inform them about the municipality's processes in the context of its participation in OGP Local.
- To engage in direct communication with stakeholders to answer questions about the action plan processes, especially during periods of intense activity related to OGP Local processes.
- To proactively communicate and report its decisions, activities, and results to the Municipal Council and any other interested party in the municipality and Civil Society. This includes detailing how the municipality provided feedback during the co-creation process, including a summary of the main categories or topics proposed for inclusion, modification, or rejection. Furthermore, the Working Group should respond to comments submitted during the evaluation of commitments.
- To conduct a continuous and constructive dialogue in which Civil Society contributes to identifying priorities, setting the agenda, and developing commitments.
Person of Contact's Responsibilities
As part of the City of Athens' participation in OGP Local, the appointment of a Municipal Councilor authorized by the Mayor to oversee the municipality's participation in OGP Local is required. This person will act as the Chair of the Working Group. Additionally, a municipal employee will be designated to coordinate the municipality's daily activities related to OGP Local, acting as the Coordinator of the Working Group. OGP refers to the individual responsible for coordinating the municipality's participation in OGP Local as the Point of Contact (POC). The POC’s role is critical and multidimensional, as they are at the forefront of efforts for transparency, participation, and accountability for a municipality involved in OGP Local.
The responsibilities of the Point of Contact (POC) for the Municipality of Athens with OGP Local include:
- Stakeholder Engagement: Engage non-governmental stakeholders on an ongoing basis. This engagement includes ensuring the participation of non-governmental stakeholders during the different stages of the action plan cycle, starting with the development of the action plan up to its final assessment
- Municipal Coordination: Collaborating with other municipal departments or entities nvolved in relevant issues that emerge during the co-creation and implementation process.
- Liaise with the OGP Support Unit: Liaise with the OGP Local team to access the support offers which includes:
an orientation program, connecting to peers and mentors, knowledge brokering on themes and issues, identifying international best practices for potential local application, and facilitating the participation of local stakeholders in OGP regional and global events. - Facilitating Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning: Carry out the mandated online tracking of progress and collect, publish, and document evidence (documents, recordings, images) to meet minimum requirements during the municipality's evaluation process.
- Participation in Peer Exchange Activities: Participation includes either providing support to colleagues in peer jurisdictions, including connecting to the relevant stakeholder within the jurisdiction or requesting opportunities for collaboration and knowledge exchange with peer jurisdictions or partner organizations.
- Strengthening National/Local Integration: he point of contact will coordinate the dialogue with their counterparts at the national level, this will provide opportunities for support, mentorship, learning exercises and events.
- Participation in OGP Global and relevant Regional Events: Informing senior local government officials about OGP events and activities, facilitating their participation and encouraging high-level attendance at regional events and global summits. This also includes supporting the participation of non-governmental stakeholders from the local jurisdiction in OGP events.