OGP Local Athens

3rd WeOpenGov Forum cover

WeOpenGov, the network that promotes collaboration between Civil Society and Public Institutions for Open Governance, is organizing its third forum on Wednesday, March 5, 2025. The event will take place in the "Rigas Feraios" hall of the War Museum (Rizari 2-4, Athens 106 75) from 11:00 AM to 4:30 PM.

The third WeOpenGov forum, titled "Strengthening Open Governance in Greece", is held under the auspices of the Municipality of Athens and the digiGOV innoHUB. Its goal is to promote transparency, accountability, and active citizen participation in decision-making processes, through thematic discussions that include the role of municipalities in co-designing multi-stakeholder initiatives and the collaboration between public institutions and civil society organizations.

WeOpenGov seeks to establish a nationwide cooperation network among public institutions, civil society, academia, and the private sector, advancing open governance. As part of its initiatives, it strengthens continuous coordination among civil society organizations on issues of public participation, transparency, and accountability, while also establishing stable points of contact between public administration and civil society on Open Governance matters. Additionally, it aims to educate and raise awareness among policymakers and public administration officials, improving their skills in implementing public policies in a collaborative manner and enhancing the interactive relationship between involved stakeholders. At the same time, it seeks to cultivate a stronger culture of citizen participation in issues that affect their daily lives. (More information at weopengov.gr)

For these reasons, in the context of the Municipality of Athens joining OGP Local in April 2024 – as the first and only municipality in Greece to become part of the global Open Government Partnership – WeOpenGov was recently selected to serve as the Municipality’s Multistakeholder Forum, functioning as an institutionalized mechanism for dialogue and co-creation of open governance policies at the local level. Through its role as a permanent advisory body, it is expected to play a pivotal role in shaping and implementing the action plan that the Municipality of Athens is required to submit soon as a new member of OGP Local. (For more information visit OGP Local Athens)

See the Program of WeOpenGov's third Forum (pdf, in Greek)