OGP Local Athens

Following consultations and a vote by the Working Group - comprising elected officials, municipal staff, and civil society representatives - the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA) and more specifically Assistant Professor Dr. Dimitris Gouscos, was selected to serve as the Monitoring Body for the Municipality of Athens's participation in OGP Local.

What is the Monitoring Body?

The Monitoring Body can be an individual, a group of people, or an organization responsible for promoting learning and impact through the independent evaluation of the co-creation process and the outcomes achieved from implementing commitments. It is tasked with gathering evidence, assessing processes and results, and reporting. The Monitoring Body plays a crucial role in a municipality's action plan process by providing insights, accountability, and credibility. Therefore, it must be a trusted and independent entity.

About Dr. Dimitris Gouscos

Born in 1968, Dr. Dimitris Gouscos is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Communication and Media Studies at the University of Athens. He is a member of the Laboratory of New Technologies in Communication, Education, and Media, contributing to the coordination of research groups on Digital Media for Learning and Digital Media for Participation. He holds a degree (1990) and a Ph.D. (1998) from the Department of Informatics & Telecommunications at the University of Athens.

Dr. Gouscos has coordinated working groups for the "Organization 2.0" platform, mapping self-organized social solidarity networks; the "Learning 2.0" initiative for collective digital media in education; the digital storytelling platform "Milia" (Euromedia Seal of Approval 2011); and the educational digital game "Magic Potion" (Comenius Edumedia Medal 2009). He served as Program Chair for the 5th European Conference on Games-Based Learning and contributes as Editor-in-Chief of the "International Journal of Electronic Governance." He was also part of the development team for the e-government service TAXISnet (eEurope Good Practice Label 2001).

Since 2000, Dr. Gouscos has taught over 20 undergraduate and postgraduate courses at the Universities of the Aegean, Peloponnese, and Athens, covering topics such as digital communication, digital games, participatory media, e-governance, software technology, and information systems. He has supervised or guided more than 15 master's theses and 5 doctoral dissertations. He has participated in 5 European research projects and numerous national ICT application projects and studies. Between 1997 and 2004, he collaborated as a special advisor with the General Secretariat of Public Administration & e-Governance of the Ministry of Interior and the General Secretariat of Information Systems of the Ministry of Economy and Finance.

Dr. Gouscos was the principal researcher in drafting the 2019-2021 Design Report for Greece, in collaboration with the Independent Reporting Mechanism (IRM) of the OGP. The IRM evaluates the development and implementation of national action plans to promote stakeholder dialogue and enhance accountability.

Following Dr. Gouscos's selection as the Monitoring Body, the Deputy Mayor for Education, Digital Governance, Property, and Urban Planning, and Chairman of the Working Group for OGP Local, Mr. Panagiotis – Paris Charlaftis, sent the following letter/invitation on February 5, 2025: